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Welcome to my website!Samantha

I am a Psychic Medium with over 15 years of experience in connecting with Loved Ones on the “other side” of life. My abilities are mostly Empathic as it is easy for me to “feel” your loved ones when they are around but I am also clairaudient (can hear them) and clairvoyant (able to see them).

Sharing my Spiritual Gifts is not only my Divine purpose but it’s also my passion! It is a Joy to assist people in understanding that life does continue and that they themselves can still connect with their loved ones on the “other side” on their own as well as through me.

Teaching people how to connect with their loved ones and experiencing the empowerment of someone who says “I can do it”, after taking my classes is a reward in and of itself.

Becoming Certified in a few very effective Alternative Natural Healing modalities have also been rewarding for me as I get to use my empathic gifts and spiritual channel to assist others on their spiritual and healing journeys.

My certifications include:

  • Certified Hypnotist
  • Traditional Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
  • Master Emotional Freedom Technique Specialist (EFT)
  • Quan Yin Healing Practitioner/Instructor
  • Numerous Hypnosis Techniques Specializing in varying topics (past life regressions)
  • Spirit Releasement Therapy

As an Ordained Minister, I have officiated at weddings and naming ceremonies as well as other sacred events.

At one point I even had a tv show that discussed psychic topics and I took calls where people would call in with a question for a psychic answer.

All of the above is my life’s work and I take it very seriously. I’ve worked with people from Long Island, NY to Africa and the UK. Helping people with what I am and what I know. The modalities I use are very effective and you can read more about each one on the pages of my website.

If you would like to connect for a Reading or a Healing/Spiritual Session you can contact me by leaving a message at phone: (631) 647-0575 and I will call you back asap.

You may also email me at

Find me on facebook at: Psychic Medium Samantha Paitakis

I also host a Spiritual Sunday Gathering every Sunday in Blue Point, NY, run various workshops, classes, circles, and certification courses, online and in-person. If you are interested in knowing more about them please feel free to sign up for the newsletter. Your information will never be shared or sold.

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